DEad Rabbit Soup


This easy-to make soup will impress your friends and infuriate your culinary enemys. DonŐt teach them the secrets of your success!




Kill some rabbits. I find that a classic musket lends the meat a smokey flavour. Also the baby rabbits are the most tender, and the stupidest, so aim for them.



Collect their warm bodies, and skin them. Salt will help preserve their nourishing flesh.



Make the wife prepare some soup. ThatŐs why you married her, right?


number four:

Put rabbits in pot with soup and cook for a few hours or something. Be sure to leave a large mess in the kitchen for the woman to clean up.


And now for the best step, FIVE:

Eat your spoils, and donŐt go near the kitchen again. YouŐre a man!



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